Monday, September 11, 2006

Warning Shots

Five years ago something happened to this country that changed it forever. We all know what happened. The twin towers came down as a result of a terrorist attack. Nearly three thousand people lost their lives, and countless hundreds were affected as a result of this heinous act. But are their spiritual applications to be gleaned from this…

I believe God has sent a warning shot. I believe he has sent several warning shots and 9/11 was only one of many. Someone says, “What you mean? This sounds like some kind of doctrine one would find on TV.” Is that a fact? Allow me to give my biblical backing for this belief.

When God dealt with the people of ancient Israel and Judah, he spoke through men. His prophets (Literally spokesmen for God) told them how to interpret the warning shots he had sent. Things such as locust plagues, fire, famine, and devastation from surrounding nations. These were the warning shots that the people of God were not in line with God. They were out of fellowship with him and as a result, he was bringing about the curses he covenanted to them in Deuteronomy 28-30. The Israelites were to see these warning and know they were out of fellowship with God and get right with God.

In the same, I believe God has sent us warning shots that our nation is out of fellowship with God. And the twin towers coming down was one of them. Further, I believe hurricane Katrina was another warning shot telling the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah that God hates their immorality. He is outraged with this type of behavior and he will only stand for it so long.

Someone says, “This is harsh.” My response is you are 100% correct. This is harsh. But you know what, God is just and cannot but punish us. Why? Because he loves us. Because he loves us so much that he sent his son to die for us. He loves us enough to send us warnings that we need to correct the path we or we will be destroyed. Thus, we have two choices: heed the warnings and live for him or ignore the warnings and face the consequences.

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