Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Famous Last Words

I once preached a sermon I entitled “Famous Last Words.” In the sermon, I looked at the last words of Jesus in Revelation. And as I am remembering this sermon, I am conscience of other last words in the bible.

Like when Joshua stood before the people of Israel, aware that he was in his last days, preparing the people for his departure and his famous last words of choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

And the last words of a dying father to his son, when King David called his son Solomon to him and charged him to worship Jehovah and him only and follow Him all the days of is life.

And the last words of Malachi, prophesying the impending coming of the messenger, preparing the way of the Lord.

And the final words of Paul to a young evangelist, summing up his entire existence and purpose in life and charging his prodigy to continue in his steps in three words…
Preach the Word

When the days are evil and men, too. When you are the only one. When you have stood all you can and feel you cannot stand anymore. And when you stand alone…
Preach the Word

You mean when men ridicule me? When the church mistreats me? When there are those who whispers in corners and speak openly? And when there is no one who talks…
Preach the Word

There will be those who spite you, who mock you, who get in the way, who do not care for you nor for the message you preach, who do not want to hear, who can do it better, easier, and get paid more to do it. Nevertheless…
Preach the Word

Do not do it for wealth. Do not do it for fame. Do not do it if you can.

Do it because you must. Because you cannot live if you do something, anything else. Like a zebra has stripes for it was created that way, preach for you are made for it, created for it. Let it burn in your bones so that you cannot but preach. And always…
Preach the Word

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